연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표 (III)
발표장 제11-2회장
논문코드 O11-24
발표일 2024-04-3
발표시간 14:30-14:45
논문제목 Multifunctional coatings on polyurethane synthetic leather surfaces with antibacterial, anti-adhesion, and flame retardant properties
발표자 백수현
발표자 소속 단국대학교
저자 백수현, 오준균
소속 단국대학교
논문초록 The demand for polyurethane (PU)-based synthetic leather is increasing globally due to its relatively simple manufacturing process, which helps in reducing production costs. However, it is susceptible to microbial infections and poses a significant fire hazard due to poor fire performance. To address these issues, this study concentrates on altering the surface properties of synthetic PU leather, both physically and chemically, utilizing a dip-coating technique incorporating natural antibacterial agents and organophosphate flame retardants. The modified PU-based synthetic leather effectively prevents infections caused by microbial contaminants such as bacteria and fungi, while also possessing flame retardant properties. The coating technology introduced in this study holds promise for applications in aircraft, automotive, footwear, and furnishing textiles, as it effectively prevents bacterial contamination and offers flame retardant characteristics.